All is Calm?

When we think about Christmas time, what do we think of? Peace? Tranquility? Yeah, I don’t think of those things either. Maybe I did when I was a kid and Christmas decorations would appear magically overnight. (Shoutout to the best mom ever for making Christmas magical growing up.) But now that I’m older and the proverbial curtain has been lifted, I know what it really takes to get ready for Christmas.


With all the presents to buy, decorating to do, cookies to bake and everything else under the sun to take care of, there leaves very little time to spiritually prepare for Christmas. Or is there?

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Before Thanksgiving this year, I promised myself that this Advent would be different. And I am doing just that with the help of the Blessed is She Advent Journal. “The 2017 Advent prayer journal is the perfect daily companion for you to walk through those four weeks of Advent, helping you make space, easing you in to prayer and in to personal reflection about your relationship with God.” And boy has it.

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” -Matthew 2:10

Each day, I take time in the evening to do the reflections in the book. I light my advent wreath and turn on the lights of my tree.

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One of the ways you really begin to feel like Christmas is upon us is through smell. Being in Southern California, you don’t get that traditional wintertime smell since it’s still sunny and 75, without a cloud in the sky. And that’s where I bring in my essential oils to help.

I set up my DoTerra diffuser near by and fill it with a combination of Holiday Joy, Siberian Fir, and Frankincense. The aroma that fills the room instantly screams Christmas time. I usually set this up about 10-15 minutes before I am about to pray so the room is permeated with my personal Christmas time blend.

I use the following:

Taking the short moments each day to read the Word of God and the guided meditations, and to reflect on them and their meaning in my life has been such a blessing to me.

“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

Even if you don’t have a guided advent plan in place, grab your Bible and open up to any of the beginnings of the four Gospels. Really see how each author tells the beginning of Christ’s story differently. Discover the power that the Word Made Flesh has in your life. Take the rest of this Advent calmly, really soaking in the mystery of God’s Love for us.

Love, Briana

P.S. Puppies like it when you give them early Christmas toys!


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